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TROS Klassiek gives Liszt Piano Competition an extra dimension via Internet

For the first time in the history of the International Franz Liszt Piano Competition the public can cast their vote. Apart from the prizes awarded by the jury, candidates of the fifth's edition of this highly esteemed competition will be considered for a special public prize. The Dutch radio organization TROS will award this prize to one of the nine candidates participating in the semi-finals. This prize is based on the choice made by the public via the web-site of TROS Klassiek (classical music radio). Shortly after the semi-finals anyone, all over the world, can listen to the interpretation by the nine candidates of the composition Unstern. After listening the public can fill in a vote-form stating number 1, 2 and 3.

During a festive final concert on March 27th these digital votes will be counted and the winner of the TROS Interactive Public Prize will be announced. This winner can look forward to a special recording which will be broadcast on Radio4 by the TROS. Of course the winner appointed by the official jury will be broadcast on Radio4 as well. The final concert will be broadcast live in the programme 'Avondconcert' This final concert and the distribution of the prizes will also be provided on the web-site (sound/images). This is unique and especially important for relatives of the international candidates; they can follow this competition on internet even if they are miles and miles away.

The semi-finals will take place on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th of March in Music Centre Vredenburg in Utrecht. Already the day after a soundregistration will be available on From March 20th onward site-visitors have access to photos and some basic information about the nine semi-finalists. By using a vote-form every visitor can vote for her/his own 'top 3' till 19.00 hours Saturday-night March 27th. At that point of time all votes will be counted.

More information:

Thanks to Ruby Lees for translation

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